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Interview with Fred Austin father of new Swindon Striker Charlie Austin

Interview with Fred Austin father of new Swindon Striker Charlie Austin

Matt Robinson16 Dec 2009 - 23:19
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With Charlie being a local lad and with both him & his father playing for Hungerford previously, Town are still in full support of Charlie's career.

I interviewed Fred Austin this evening to talk about Charlie as a kid and how he has managed to get to where he is today.

So Fred tell me about yourself as a youngster did you aspire to be a footballer?

"I wanted to follow my father Alistair who used to play Centre Back for Great Shefford in his day, so I followed in his footsteps and played for Great Shefford as a kid and as a centre half, I then adapted to a strikers role through my playing day's and played for local clubs, Lambourn, Kintbury & Hungerford."

Did Charlie need encouragement from you to play football or was it always in him?

"Ever since he was 4 or 5 he always came and watched me play whilst I was at Hungerford, he needed no encouragement he always used to kick a ball around at that age. When he was seven he started playing for Wickham Wanderers under 8's he then moved to Hungerford Juniors under 9's and from there got scouted by Reading."

How long was he at Reading for?

"He was at Reading for six years until he was fifteen."

Why did he not continue there?

"He was always liked as a kid whilst at Reading then a change of Youth Development manager signalled the end of that, it was a case of his face didn't fit and he was released"

He was 15 or 16 when he signed for Kintbury Rangers wasn't he?

"Yeah Charlie went to Kintbury following his Uncle (former Portsmouth professional) Darren Angel who was managing their reserves and played a year in the reserves before moving into their first team in 2006."

I recall him scoring 21 goals in 28 appearances for Kintbury's first team matching Shaun Thorpe that season, but Charlie started the season after Christmas, why was this?

"Well Charlie had a spell on trial at Swindon, whilst Iffy Onuora was in charge at the County Ground, but Charlie had damaged his knee ligaments and had to be operated on. Iffy then said once he had recovered that he would be interested in having him back, but during Charlie's recovery, Dennis Wise was then appointed and Iffy rejected an offer to stay at the club in a reduced capacity. So Charlie then started later that season in Kintbury's first team under Darren Angel."

So Charlie then left Kintbury and moved onto Hungerford but had limited chances in the first team, what are your thoughts on this?

"Well he was involved at the start of the season but not so much towards the end, but this was down to him and not the management"

What do you mean?

"Well his attitude, he found Friday nights and that spoiled his chances really."

So as a family you moved down to Bournemouth and Charlie went to Poole Town, some people say he single handily won them the league do you believe this?

"No, it’s a team game, but Charlie did score them goals"

And if you look at Poole since Charlie's departure they seem to be scoring fewer goals.

"Exactly, Poole have a good club set up though and I am sure they will find someone to replace Charlie."

So when did Bournemouth show an interest in Charlie?

"Charlie went on trial at Bournemouth in 2008 and Eddie Howe had said they would keep an eye on him, then in July they offered him the chance to train full time with them after scoring for Poole against them in a pre-season friendly, in doing that Charlie was able to strengthen up and gain some real fitness"

So when did Swindon come in?

"Swindon showed an interest end of August/September and because of the transfer embargo that had been placed on Bournemouth, Charlie then went back on trial for Swindon playing for their reserves and scoring in his first appearance."

So how long had Swindon been tracking Charlie?

"They had been watching Charlie for about 18 months, well what happened is Maurice Malpas (Swindon Manager at the time) had been keen on both Jamie Gosling and Charlie Austin whilst they were playing at Hungerford. Andrew Fitton had left Hungerford and taken over at Swindon Town and had appointed Maurice Malpas as Manager, However in November 2008 Andrew Fitton had sacked Malpas after a poor run of results and a shock exit in the FA Cup to Histon and the interest ended in both Jamie and Charlie."

"Danny Wilson was then put in charge at Swindon in December and I guess the interest started again, at this stage Charlie was scoring a lot of goals at Poole."

So Charlie signed for Swindon on the 2nd October and has already managed to secure a first team place, Charlie mentioned on a Sky interview that this was beyond his wildest dreams to be playing already, do you replicate this?

"Yeah, He has got his head down, been really committed and scored goals, we can just hope that this continues."

It was reported that Charlie signed for £50k can you tell us a bit more on that?

"Swindon put a down payment of £5k in and I think they will pay a further £10k at Christmas, but this could rise to £50k depending on certain clauses."

Is it true that there is a clause for an England under 21's call up?

"Yes, there is a clause within the contract between Poole & Swindon."

There was a lot of talk about the transfer being on, then being off how did that feel?

"It was frustrating to be honest, Poole had Charlie on a contract but had said if a professional club came in for him they wouldn't stand in the way. But they made it tough at times because they wanted more money, I am just glad that they came to an agreement in the end."

What’s your proudest moment?

"It would have to be his appearance at Norwich, Charlie made his debut away to Exeter but only had 2 minutes, but at Norwich in front of 25000 fans he came on with 20 minutes to go. Whilst he was warming up the Robins fans started singing his name, it brought a tear to his Grandfathers eye."

What’s the next step for Charlie?

"To keep on giving a 110% percent, to keep scoring goals and you never know what might come of it."

I have heard other clubs are already interested is this just hearsay?

"Yeah, nothing official, although there is talk that clubs are showing an interest."

Charlie is being dubbed as the next Simon Cox, what are your thoughts on this?

"Like Charlie has already said, he wants to create his own story, he doesn't want to be likened to anyone else, he wants to do it all himself and be his own person."

I am trying to get an interview with Simon Cox, to get his thoughts or any word of encouragement for Charlie.

"That would be great, I think Simon has done well and is a young local lad himself so would be good to hear his thoughts also."

Fred thanks for you time and we are all behind Charlie here at Hungerford, Best of luck for the future.

Further reading